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Candace Losavio Attorney at Law
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 (318) 528-8808 | (318) 308-0887



Civil Code Article 102 or 103

No Fault (102 or 103)
102- File and wait time period of living separate and apart (1 year with minor children; 6 months without minor children)

103-  Time period of living separate and apart has been met before filing (1 year or 6 months)

Fault Divorce
Felony conviction (sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor)
Physical Abuse (protective order/restraining order needs to have been granted)

DISCLAIMER: This is for information purposes only as laws are amended, revised and/or repealed. Every case is different and applicable laws are decided after consultation. Filing party always has burden of proof. Further, Google does not provide the most current law online.

Spousal Support

Civil Code Article 112

Interim – from filing of petition for divorce until judgment of divorce is granted (extended for 6 months)
Fault of demise of marriage not a factor; Consider the need of the party needing support, and the other party’s ability to pay; to maintain the standard of living. 

Final Periodic Support - After the judgment of divorce has been rendered
First the requesting party must be free from fault in the demise of the marriage then Court looks at factors contained in Civil Code Article 112. 
DISCLAIMER: This is for information purposes only as laws are amended, revised and/or repealed. Every case is different and applicable laws are decided after consultation. Filing party always has burden of proof. Further, Google does not provide the most current law online.
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